Upcoming Events

The Warsteiner Inter­na­tio­nal Mont­gol­fia­de or the annu­al 1 May cele­bra­ti­on in the beer gar­den are just some of our acti­vi­ties in the visi­tor cent­re. You are wel­co­me to visit us in the Warsteiner World and com­bi­ne your visit with a tour of the brewery.

Warsteiner Welt Events Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade

Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade 2025

The Warsteiner Inter­na­tio­nal Mont­gol­fia­de is Europe’s lar­gest annu­al hot air bal­loon event. 9 days a year, depen­ding on wea­ther con­di­ti­ons, more than 200 bal­loons take off from the event site direct­ly at the Warsteiner Welt — a spec­ta­cle for young and old. Admis­si­on is free of charge.

During the WIM, tours take place at spe­cial times and conditions. 

Warsteiner Welt was award­ed the Tra­vel­lers’ Choice Award 2020.

© 2024 Warsteiner