A look behind the scenes at our brewery

The Warsteiner bre­wery in the Wald­park, one of the most con­tem­po­ra­ry bre­we­ries in Euro­pe, was, right from the begin­ning, deli­bera­te­ly desi­gned as a visi­tor-fri­end­ly bre­wery. After all, anyo­ne who takes so much care with bre­wing a pre­mi­um class Pils­ner is quite hap­py to let you look over their shoulder.

The Warsteiner World is our visi­tor cent­re. Here, you can learn ever­y­thing about our com­pa­ny and our pro­ducts – in addi­ti­on, it is the start­ing point of our visi­tor rail­way. From here, you can explo­re our bre­wery! Our mul­ti­l­in­gu­al bre­wery tour, which takes about 75 minu­tes, is offe­red in Ger­man, Eng­lish and Dutch.

This is what awaits you on our Brewery Tour

Expe­ri­ence the ori­g­ins of the Warsteiner bre­wery. With over 200 exhi­bits, our brand exhi­bi­ti­on shows high­lights from more than 270 years of brand histo­ry. Old bar­rels, glas­ses and bot­t­les, labels and adver­ti­sing motifs tell of our ear­ly begin­nings and suc­ces­ses of today.

Befo­re you visit the bre­wery its­elf, take a seat in the ‘Rota­ri­um’ muse­um cine­ma, our 360° mul­ti­me­dia theat­re. The spe­cial thing about it is the elec­tro­ni­cal­ly-con­trol­led revol­ving plat­form which moves the audi­ence direct­ly to the cur­rent sce­nes, so that you are always right at the heart of the action and are inte­gra­ted into the sto­ry. You can find out ever­y­thing about us and our over 270 years of bre­wing tradition.

After the demons­tra­ti­on, you will take the train across our pre­mi­ses, which are around 63 foot­ball pit­ches in size. You will tra­vel through our bre­w­house, past the fer­men­ta­ti­on tanks, see the bot­t­ling pro­cess and expe­ri­ence how our beer is trans­por­ted by rail. Becau­se we also have our own rail­way siding. A modern onboard infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem explains ever­y­thing worth kno­wing in words and pic­tures on lar­ge flat screens. Plea­se note that our fil­ling lines some­ti­mes requi­re main­ten­an­ce and clea­ning during nor­mal working hours and are also not in ope­ra­ti­on on weekends (Fri­day, Satur­day, Sun­day) and holidays.

After the bre­wery tour is befo­re the ‘pro­duct test­ing’! At the end, free drinks from the Warsteiner port­fo­lio are offe­red – our com­ple­te pro­duct ran­ge is wai­ting for you to dis­co­ver it free-of-char­ge for up to two hours!

A visit to our shop is always worth it. Here, you will find sou­ve­nirs and spe­cia­li­ties rela­ting to the Warsteiner bre­wery. You can also enter the shop wit­hout a boo­ked bre­wery tour.

Brand world

Expe­ri­ence the ori­g­ins of the Warsteiner bre­wery. With over 200 exhi­bits, our brand exhi­bi­ti­on shows high­lights from more than 270 years of brand histo­ry. Old bar­rels, glas­ses and bot­t­les, labels and adver­ti­sing motifs tell of our ear­ly begin­nings and suc­ces­ses of today.


Befo­re you visit the bre­wery its­elf, take a seat in the ‘Rota­ri­um’ muse­um cine­ma, our 360° mul­ti­me­dia theat­re. The spe­cial thing about it is the elec­tro­ni­cal­ly-con­trol­led revol­ving plat­form which moves the audi­ence direct­ly to the cur­rent sce­nes, so that you are always right at the heart of the action and are inte­gra­ted into the sto­ry. You can find out ever­y­thing about us and our over 270 years of bre­wing tradition.

Brewery Tour with a visitor Railway

After the pre­sen­ta­ti­on, you will then take the train across our com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses which covers an area of about 63 foot­ball pit­ches! You will be taken through our Sud­haus and past the fer­men­ta­ti­on tanks; you will see the bot­t­ling pro­cess, and find out how our beer is trans­por­ted by rail – we actual­ly have our own rail­way siding. A modern on-board infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem explains ever­y­thing you could want to know in words and pic­tures on lar­ge, flat screens. Plea­se note that our fil­ling sys­tems some­ti­mes have to under­go main­ten­an­ce and may be clea­ned during nor­mal working hours, and are also not in ope­ra­ti­on on weekends (Fri­day, Satur­day, Sun­day) and public holidays.

Product Tastings

After the bre­wery tour is befo­re the ‘pro­duct test­ing’! At the end, free drinks from the Warsteiner port­fo­lio are offe­red – our com­ple­te pro­duct ran­ge is wai­ting for you to dis­co­ver it free-of-char­ge for up to two hours!


A visit to our shop is always worth it. Here, you will find sou­ve­nirs and spe­cia­li­ties rela­ting to the Warsteiner bre­wery. You can also enter the shop wit­hout a boo­ked bre­wery tour.

Book your brewery tour

= Seats available
= Few seats available
= No seats available


Brewery tour

Pri­ce per per­son: 24,50 €
Child­ren (6 — 15 years): 14,50 €
Infants (0 — 5 years): free

Brewery tour incl. Sauerland stew

Pri­ce per per­son: 31,00 €
Child­ren (6 — 15 years): 21,00 €
Infants (0 — 5 years): free


We offer spe­cial arran­ge­ments for groups of 30 or more. Plea­se cont­act us directly.


Opening hours visitor centre

Only exhi­bi­ti­on and shop: Tues­day to Satur­day: 10 am — 5 pm, and during our tour hours; clo­sed Sun­day to Wed­nes­day and public holidays.

Brewery tours

Plea­se refer to our boo­king calen­dar for the available dates and book them exclu­si­ve­ly online. If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se feel free to cont­act us.

Organizational notes

Important notes:

Possible restrictions

Plea­se note that our bot­t­ling plants some­ti­mes have to be main­tai­ned and clea­ned during nor­mal working hours and are also not in ope­ra­ti­on at weekends (Fri­day, Satur­day, Sun­day) and on public holidays.

Youth protection measures

No dis­tri­bu­ti­on of alco­ho­lic bever­a­ges to child­ren and ado­le­s­cents accor­ding to the Youth Pro­tec­tion Act.

Frequently asked questions:

Can I bring pets?

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, pets can­not join the bre­wery tour.

Is the tour suitable for young children?

We recom­mend par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on from the age of 6.

Can I bring food and drinks?

Brin­ging your own food and drinks is not allowed.

When is the store open?

Our store is open from Tues­day to Satur­day from 10 am to 5 pm, as well as during tour times.

Can I cancel my ticket?

In prin­ci­ple, the­re is no right to return the tickets. In the case of ser­vices in the area of lei­su­re acti­vi­ties with a fixed per­for­mance date or a fixed per­for­mance peri­od, the­re is no right of with­dra­wal or return. Every order is bin­ding with the con­clu­si­on of the con­tract and obli­ga­tes to pay­ment. In case of can­cel­la­ti­on or post­po­ne­ment of the boo­ked tour date from our side, we will can­cel the ticket free of char­ge or issue you a cor­re­spon­ding vou­ch­er, which can be rede­e­med at a later date.

Meeting place

Warsteiner Welt
Zu Hau­se im Wald­park
59581 War­stein

Par­king is free of char­ge for visi­tors to the Warsteiner World. You can char­ge your elec­tric vehic­le at our ‘e‑tap’. Natu­ral­ly, all our are­as are desi­gned to be acces­si­ble for everyone.

Contact Details

Tel.: +49 2902 885001
Only available Tues­day to Satur­day from 10 am — 2 pm.
E‑Mail: visit@warsteiner.com

Convince yourself

Travelers Choice Award

The Warsteiner Welt was award­ed the Tra­vel­lers’ Choice Award.

© 2024 Warsteiner