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Warsteiner Welt Logo

To discover. To experience. Cheers!

Just a few met­res away from the bre­wery in the Wald­park is our Warsteiner World. This visi­tor cent­re, which is uni­que in Euro­pe, invi­tes you on a fasci­na­ting jour­ney! Be a part of it and reser­ve your place today. The modern visitor’s train takes you right the way around the world of brewing.

The visitor centre

You can find detail­ed times here.

Brewery visit and tour

For available tour dates, plea­se refer direct­ly to our boo­king calen­dar from which you can also book your bre­wery tour online.

Brewery visit

Our approx. 75-minu­te bre­wery visit includes a pre­sen­ta­ti­on in a uni­que 360° mul­ti­me­dia theat­re – our ‘Rota­ri­um’ muse­um cine­ma, and is fol­lo­wed by a tour through the Warsteiner bre­wery. To round it off, the­re are two hours of free drinks from the Warsteiner port­fo­lio. Natu­ral­ly, our bre­wery tours are offe­red in other lan­guages – in Ger­man, Eng­lish and Dutch. Plea­se note that our fil­ling sys­tems some­ti­mes have to under­go main­ten­an­ce and be clea­ned during nor­mal working hours, and are also not in ope­ra­ti­on on weekends (Fri­day, Satur­day, Sun­day) and public holidays.

How to find us

Warsteiner Welt Zu Hau­se im Wald­park 59581 War­stein Germany

Our car parks are free-of-char­ge. You can char­ge your elec­tric vehic­le at our ‘e‑tap’. Natu­ral­ly, all our are­as are desi­gned to be acces­si­ble for everyone.


In our gas­tro­no­my in the Warsteiner World, cool drinks are available throug­hout the day. If you would like some­thing to eat befo­re or after the visit, we can recom­mend our part­ner restau­rants near­by – you have the choice of the Plückers Hoff, the Dom­schän­ke or the Gast­hof Cra­mer in Hirschberg.

Guesthouse of the Warsteiner Welt

Embedded in the beau­tiful land­scape around War­stein, this guest house is ide­al­ly situa­ted for the Warsteiner brewery’s visi­tor cent­re. The guest house is also an ide­al base for guests plan­ning to explo­re the natu­re of the Sau­er­land. In the spa­cious and rede­co­ra­ted rooms, which are fur­nis­hed in an attrac­ti­ve coun­try-house style, you will find all the modern amen­i­ties for a plea­sant stay.

Opening Hours

The visitor centre

You can find detail­ed times here.

Brewery visit and tour

For available tour dates, plea­se refer direct­ly to our boo­king calen­dar from which you can also book your bre­wery tour online.

Guided Tours

Brewery visit

Our approx. 75-minu­te bre­wery visit includes a pre­sen­ta­ti­on in a uni­que 360° mul­ti­me­dia theat­re – our ‘Rota­ri­um’ muse­um cine­ma, and is fol­lo­wed by a tour through the Warsteiner bre­wery. To round it off, the­re are two hours of free drinks from the Warsteiner port­fo­lio. Natu­ral­ly, our bre­wery tours are offe­red in other lan­guages – in Ger­man, Eng­lish and Dutch. Plea­se note that our fil­ling sys­tems some­ti­mes have to under­go main­ten­an­ce and be clea­ned during nor­mal working hours, and are also not in ope­ra­ti­on on weekends (Fri­day, Satur­day, Sun­day) and public holidays.


How to find us

Warsteiner Welt Zu Hau­se im Wald­park 59581 War­stein Germany

Our car parks are free-of-char­ge. You can char­ge your elec­tric vehic­le at our ‘e‑tap’. Natu­ral­ly, all our are­as are desi­gned to be acces­si­ble for everyone.



In our gas­tro­no­my in the Warsteiner World, cool drinks are available throug­hout the day. If you would like some­thing to eat befo­re or after the visit, we can recom­mend our part­ner restau­rants near­by – you have the choice of the Plückers Hoff, the Dom­schän­ke or the Gast­hof Cra­mer in Hirschberg.

Overnight Stays

Guesthouse of the Warsteiner Welt

Embedded in the beau­tiful land­scape around War­stein, this guest house is ide­al­ly situa­ted for the Warsteiner brewery’s visi­tor cent­re. The guest house is also an ide­al base for guests plan­ning to explo­re the natu­re of the Sau­er­land. In the spa­cious and rede­co­ra­ted rooms, which are fur­nis­hed in an attrac­ti­ve coun­try-house style, you will find all the modern amen­i­ties for a plea­sant stay.

Forthcoming events and highlights

Warsteiner Weihnachtsfeier

Warsteiner Weihnachtsfeier

Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade 2025

Travelers Choice Award

The Warsteiner Welt was award­ed the Tra­vel­lers’ Choice Award.

© 2024 Warsteiner