The Haus Cramer Gaststätten

The Warsteiner World, along with five other pre­mi­ses, belong to the Haus Cra­mer restau­rants – also included are the Gäs­te­haus der Warsteiner Welt (Warsteiner World guest house), the Dom­schän­ke, the Sud­haus, Plückers Hoff and the Land­ho­tel and Gast­hof Cra­mer in Hirsch­berg. Whe­ther modern or rustic, out­doors or in cosy dining rooms – you will find some­thing for every tas­te here.

Warsteiner world guest house room

Between brewing art & nature

The guest house wel­co­mes you in a cosy, rural atmo­sphe­re. In the spa­cious rooms, fur­nis­hed in an attrac­ti­ve coun­try-house style, you will find all the modern amen­i­ties for a love­ly stay. Zu Hau­se im Wald­park, D‑59581 War­stein Tel.: + 49 (0)2902 885001

Warsteiner world guest house room
Domschänke Warstein
Domschänke Warstein

Traditional house of the Warsteiner brewery

In the Dom­schän­ke, we ser­ve dis­hes from our modern, regio­nal and sea­so­nal cui­sine. We are also hap­py to put our pre­mi­ses at your dis­po­sal for cele­bra­ti­ons of con­fe­ren­ces. Dieploh­stra­ße 12, D‑59581 War­stein Tel.: + 49 (0)2902 881308

Sudhaus Warstein

Dine, celebrate & bowl

The Warsteiner Sud­haus is the bre­wery bar which fea­tures modern, young cui­sine and offers ple­nty of space for con­fe­ren­ces and pri­va­te cele­bra­ti­ons. Bow­ling Clubs are just as warm­ly wel­co­med here as the foot­ball fans who watch the most important foot­ball matches on our lar­ge-screen TV. Dieploh­stra­ße 12, D‑59581 War­stein Tel.: + 49 (0)2902 881406

Sudhaus Warstein
Plückers Hoff
Plückers Hoff

Tavern with a sun terrace

Idyl­li­cal­ly situa­ted on the edge of War­stein, you will find Plückers, the tavern with quite pos­si­bly Warstein’s lar­gest sun ter­race. Here, one is won­derful­ly pam­pe­red in lovin­g­ly fur­nis­hed rooms. Paul-Cra­mer-Allee 2, D‑59581 War­stein Tel.: + 49 (0)2902 881787

Landhotel and Gasthof Cramer

Very comfortable with local cuisine

Situa­ted in the heart of idyl­lic Hirsch­berg is the Land­ho­tel Cra­mer with its adjoi­ning inn. For guests, day-trip­pers and hikers we offer, in addi­ti­on to a deli­cious Warsteiner, home-coo­ked local dis­hes in a cosy atmo­sphe­re. Prin­zen­stra­ße 2, D‑59581 War­stein Tel.: + 49 (0)2902 9880

Landhotel and Gasthof Cramer
Travelers Choice Award

The Warsteiner Welt was award­ed the Tra­vel­lers’ Choice Award.

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