Overnight stays between brewing art and nature

The Warsteiner world guest house

Situa­ted direct­ly by the Warsteiner World, next to the bre­wery, is the Warsteiner World guest house. Embedded in the beau­tiful land­scape around War­stein, the guest house is an ide­al start­ing-point for guests plan­ning to explo­re the Warsteiner bre­wery, or for tho­se who want to take a trip into the natu­re of the Sau­er­land. In the spa­cious and rede­co­ra­ted rooms, which are fur­nis­hed in an attrac­ti­ve coun­try-house style, you will find all the modern amen­i­ties for a plea­sant stay. The Warsteiner World guest house is a hotel gar­ni. Our exten­si­ve break­fast buf­fet is par­ti­cu­lar­ly popular.

Warsteiner Welt Guest house Breakfast buffet
Warsteiner world Overnight stay campsite


Direct­ly next to the Warsteiner World is an area of more than 4000 m² for cara­vans and cam­per vans. The camp­si­te offers 30 spa­cious pit­ches with elec­tric hook-ups. In addi­ti­on, a num­ber of par­king spaces are available for guests which can be used espe­ci­al­ly when events are taking place.

Warsteiner world Overnight stay campsite
Travelers Choice Award

The Warsteiner Welt was award­ed the Tra­vel­lers’ Choice Award.

© 2024 Warsteiner