The Warsteiner brand world

Our History

Expe­ri­ence the ori­g­ins of the Warsteiner bre­wery and relax and enjoy our beer specialities.

With over 200 exhi­bits, our Warsteiner brand exhi­bi­ti­on shows high­lights from more than 270 years of brand histo­ry. Old bar­rels, glas­ses and bot­t­les, labels and adver­ti­sing motifs tell of our ear­ly begin­nings and suc­ces­ses of today.

One brand, many facets

The impo­sing gab­le wall dis­plays more than 1000 his­to­ri­cal bot­t­les! In the Warsteiner brand exhi­bi­ti­on you can chuck­le at the amusing old beer mat motifs and adver­ti­sing films.

A Tem­po Mata­dor van used for beer deli­veries evo­kes the nost­al­gic charm of the 1950s. Abso­lu­te high­lights are the exhi­bi­ted Arrows racing car and works of art by Andy Warhol.

Warsteiner world exhibition brandworld
Travelers Choice Award

The Warsteiner Welt was award­ed the Tra­vel­lers’ Choice Award.

© 2024 Warsteiner