
In the beer garden

When the sun is shi­ning, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to review your impres­si­ons in the beer gar­den – the best thing is to accom­pa­ny this with a fresh­ly-pul­led Warsteiner direct­ly from the source! It could not be fresher!

You are, of cour­se, wel­co­me to use the beer gar­den inde­pendent­ly of a bre­wery tour and, on warm days, enjoy a drink or two.

Warsteiner world beer garden
Warsteiner world guest house

In a rustic atmosphere

The guest house offers rooms for about 100 guests and, during its ope­ning hours, it invi­tes you to socia­li­se in its modern, yet rustic, atmo­sphe­re. This is also the place whe­re the tasting takes place after the bre­wery tour. From the Warsteiner Pre­mi­um Pils­ner, to our Warsteiner Rad­ler alco­hol-free, our com­ple­te pro­duct ran­ge is awai­ting your discovery.

Inci­den­tal­ly, you can also stay over­night at the Warsteiner World guest house. The hotel gar­ni offers you a sub­stan­ti­al break­fast after an over­night stay.

Warsteiner world guest house
Travelers Choice Award

The Warsteiner Welt was award­ed the Tra­vel­lers’ Choice Award.

© 2024 Warsteiner